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Mobile Testing Tutorial Interview Questions


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Mobile Testing Tutorial Interview Questions

Mobile application testing means a process in which an application developed for handheld mobile devices is tested to ensure its functionality, usability, and consistency. Testers can perform mobile application testing manually or with automation.


A standard Android strategy can include these testing types: unit testing, system testing, integration testing, and operation testing subject to the features available of the tested mobile application. Other types of tests would also be performed if required, depending on the application’s features.


There are multiple tools available on Google Play or App Store designed for CPU usage testing, such as CPU Monitor, CPU Stats, Usemon, CPU-Z, etc. These are an advanced tool that records historical information about processes running on your device.

GPRS is General Packet Radio Service which works on a mobile network with the help of IP transmissions. GPRS provides the transmission of IP packets over existing cellular networks. It provides you internet services on mobile.


There are two types of automation tools available for testing mobile applications as given below: 

  • Object-based mobile testing tools: This approach does not depend on the size of the screen and is mainly used for Android devices. A few examples of Object-based mobile testing tools are Jama solution, Ranorex, etc.
  • Image-based mobile testing tools: It generates automation scripts based on screen coordinates. A few examples of Image-based mobile testing tools are RoutinBot, Egg Plant, Sikuli, etc.
  • Manual testing is performed when new functionality is developed for the application and only a few times testing is required.
  • Automatic testing is used on applications in critical scenarios where regression tests have to be repeated.
  • Simulator: It is an electronic network simulation tool or base station tool for CDMA / CMA mobile phones. It can and does help with home network latching without roaming services; Data call, SMS,
  • Emulator: This is software for testing mobile apps without a live handset

Preparing to test mobile devices.

Methods and tools continue to be developed to facilitate usability testing on phones and tablets. When planning a mobile device test, you should keep the following points in mind-

  • Your deadline and budget
  • The physical setup of the space and how you are going 
  • Your target audience and device.

Another important aspect after test planning is test equipment management.

There are mainly two types of automation tools available to test mobile applications in mobile testing:

  • Object-based mobile testing tools: Jama solution, Ranorex, etc.
  • Image-based mobile testing tools: RoutinBot, Egg Plant, Sikuli, etc.

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