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MATLAB is an acronym for Matrix Laboratory. It is an open-source software/API which was initially developed for the mathematical calculations including matrix operations. The latest version of the software can perform on various types of complex calculations such as data analysis and visualization, scientific and engineering graphics etc. Its prime features also include simulation and modelling.
A for loop is used to repeat a certain set of instructions a fixed number of times.
The syntax of for loop is:-
CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values. A command called csvread is generally used to read the csv files, but is not actually preferred.
“% your comment goes here.”
SIMULINK can be easily accessed in MATLAB by the use of Home tab. simply go on the Home tab and click Simulink.
Here is presented an example on ‘for loop’ in MATLAB:-
To create an array with n number of elements in m number of rows, separate the elements with either a space or comma. For example, to create a matrix A of order 3 X 3, we write it as:-
A = [21 92 43, 45 67 54, 72 88 91]
The result to which will be represented as:-
A = 3 X 3
21 92 43
45 67 54
72 88 91
You can simply use the quit command to stop a program in MATLAB or you can use the desktop shortcut such as Ctrl + C.
An array can be declared in MATLAB using the following syntax:
A = [1 2 3 4 5]
It creates an array of 1X5.
Or it can be declared in the following syntax:
N= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
It also creates an array of same 1X5 dimension.
Here is the syntax to read audio files in MATLAB:-
[y, Fs] = audioread (filename)
Here it reads data from the file named filename, and returns sampled data, y, and a sample rate for that data, Fs.
Image resize in MATLAB can be done by using the following syntax:-
J = imresize (I, scale)
The above given syntax returns image J that is scale times the size of I. The input image I can be a grayscale, RGB, binary, or categorical image.
MATLAB provides three types of loops, just like any other programming language, which are:-
MATLAB already deals naturally with simple latex encoding that enables introducing Greek letters or changing the font size and displays in plots.
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