Training in Chennai

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Our Best Offer Ever!! Summer Special - Get 3 Courses at 24,999/- Only. Read More

Chennai: +91 9751800789 | +91 7299951536

Arduino Training In Chennai


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About Arduino Training

DLK is a start-up working in the field of Activity based instruction. Our goes for Basic Engineering, Programming for all. We have been widely looking into regarding these matters and we have prepared understudies of Engineering standard . Feedback amid the training has been taken from understudies and their folks to additionally advance the course by separating it into little exercises. Lessons concentrated on the side of the gadget of Arduino. The gadget is an enormous field. We have done our best to keep things straightforward and concentrated on the utilization of Arduino. I trust you can locate these supportive! We likewise have lessons concentrated on programming Arduino or the product and equipment devices for Arduino.


Arduino course at DLK

DLK is a start up working in the field of Activity based instruction. Arduino Training Institute in Chennai Our goes for Basic Engineering, Programming for all. We have been widely looking into regarding these matters and we have prepared understudies of Engineering standard. Feedback amid the training has been taken from understudies and their folks to additionally advance the course by separating it into little exercises. Lessons concentrated on the side of the gadget of Arduino. The gadget is an enormous field. We have done our best to keep things straightforward and concentrated on the utilization of Arduino. I trust you can locate these supportive! We likewise have lessons concentrated on programming Arduino or the product and equipment devices for Arduino.


Course Highlights and Why Arduino in Chennai at DLK?

Online Training

LED Live
Online Training

Classroom Training

LED Classroom

One to One Training

Customized and Exclusive training based on your requirement.

Team/Corporate Training

Customized Corporate Training


  • Arduino Overview
  • Install the Arduino Desktop IDE
  • Software installation, Starting with Arduino IDE, Reading input pin data
  • Programming basics of Arduino, Configuring I/O, and controlling I/O
  • Setting mode of the pin as input and output, Driving pin high and low, Led interfacing
  • Led control with button, Segment interfacing, Introduction to 7segment
  • Introduction to multiplexing, Led multiplexing
  • 16×2 LCD inter with Arduino, Introduction to 16×2 LCD
  • LCD programming with Arduino, Scrolling message Display
  • DC motor interfacing with Arduino
  • DC Motor Driver L293D
  • DC Motor Programming
  • Stepper motor interfacing with Arduino
  • Stepper motor driver ULN2803
  • Working with Server Controls
  • Applying Styles to Controls, Themes, Skins, etc
  • Introduction to the servo motor
  • Servo motor interfacing
  • Servo motor programming
  • Introduction to ADC, ADC programming
  • Voltmeter sensor using ADC
  • Temperature sensor using ADC
  • Introduction to UART
  • Programming UART, PC based LCD e-notice board
  • PC based controlled robot
  • Introduction to PWM
  • Generating different duty cycles of PWM
  • interfacing of LED, LCD, SENSOR

Have Queries? Talk to our Career Counselor for more Guidance on picking the right career for you!

Trainer Profile

Real-Time Experts as Trainers

The trainers are very professionals and friendly. Our trainers are passionate for training the students and well versed with concepts of modules and the students doubts will be also cleared in a good manner.

Live Project

We offer world class teaching and top-notch training to help you discover and groom the technical ability in you. We provide best-in-class infrastructure, online resources, and exposure to you in this world of IT.


When we Certify a Professional , he knows exactly how to deliver a successful project. So get certified, showcase your skills and share your knowledge. Earning certification helps you as an IT professional establish credibility with both your employer and the greater IT industry.

Affordable Fees

Our fees is very normal and affordable to all the students in all their criteria.


Our Training classes offers flexible training options including Class room and online /off line training for your learning needs. Choose what to learn, and when and how to learn it. With our trainers or accredited instructors in a hands-on learning environment.

Placement Support

In placement, we support you in all the ways by giving you well training in your prescribed domain in which will you be able to handle by your own and well versed.

ASP.NET Certification Training in Chennai

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